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Five Best Places to Go Hiking in California

By Cristiana , in General , at May 4, 2023

Are you trying to find the best place to hike in California? If so, we have the answers you’re looking for!

Hiking in California is no unfamiliar sport. It’s one of the popular activities to do when you visit the state, so you’re likely to find an excellent trail almost anywhere.

But with all the choices, where’s the best place to go? Here are five top recommendations to visit when you go hiking in California.

1. Lost Palms Oasis Trail

Joshua Tree National Park is one of the most popular places to visit when you want a look at the great California outdoors. But it’s also a national park that offers lots of great places to hike in California.

A trail worth checking out is the Lost Palms Oasis trail. It’s a little over 7 miles long with an elevation gain of over 1,000 feet.

On the way, you’re sure to find interesting sights. You could find sheep and a great view of the Joshua Point Oasis and its beautiful palm grove.

2. John Muir Trail

If you’re interested in trail hopping, the John Muir trail is your ideal place to hike in California. When you follow this trail, you go from Yosemite National Park to Sequoia National Park to even King’s Canyon National Park!

The trail is around 211 miles long. Due to the length, people usually partake in only a part of it or spend a couple of days to complete the whole trek.

If you ever reach the end of the trail, you stop at Mount Whitney, which is the tallest continental mountain in the US. You get to pass through several national parks in California and other excellent places.

3. Pacific Crest Trail

There are hiking trails in California that take you even further from the state, just like the Pacific Crest Trail. It takes you all the way from California to Canada with a length of over 2,000 miles!

As you go through this trail, you get to witness North America’s gorgeous landscapes while you slowly transition from the south.

People who hike in California on the Pacific Crest Trail don’t complete it at once. The length makes it difficult to clear in one go. So, hikers usually only go through a part of it.

4. Upper Yosemite Falls Trail

Going back to shorter, one-day California hiking trails, you might want to check out the Upper Yosemite Falls trail. It’s only around 7 miles and gives you a lovely view of Yosemite Valley.

Some say the trek is challenging due to the steepness and switchbacks. But it rewards you with breathtaking natural sights along the way, like waterfalls and more.

5. Rubicon Trail

For a longer hike in California, the 22-mile-long Rubicon trail is a fun choice if you want to traverse on a rocky climb.

Although it’s no trek for a beginner, it’s an excellent place to start if you have experience and want something adventurous. There are also campsites along the way, so you can rest whenever you need to.

Check Out These Places When You Go Hiking in California

Lots of places in California make a great location for outdoor activities. That’s why hiking in California is one of the top sports! You’re sure to find the perfect place for a hike of any level.

If you want to learn more, check out our blog.


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