Grow Your Beard: 7 Tips and Tricks to Test
Many of you ask me how to grow your beard, how to get thicker, how to fill in the holes, how to grow your beard faster … in short, your hair worries you and that’s normal! I’m kidding, but I know it’s a real topic for many of you.
Tips and tricks to grow a beard
Attention, this article does not make the apology of the hair, I do not encourage you either to let you grow the beard. If you lack hair, know that it is not very serious. In a few months, the beard fashion may have disappeared and you will come back in force in the spotlight.
Know that growing your beard requires a lot of maintenance and daily monitoring. In short, if you are always more motivated than ever, here is a non-exhaustive list (but I hope as complete as possible) to grow your beard and finally be trendy (no, I’m messing around).
My tips for growing a beard.
Table of Contents
Here are my 7 tips for growing a beard.
1. Massages
You should know that gentle and circular massages have the power to stimulate blood circulation and activate or reactivate cell creation. It is also advice that is given to men who tend to lose their hair. So to do well, do not hesitate to massage your cheeks and chin every day morning and evening. Otherwise, ask your other half to caress you a little more.
2. Eucalyptus Essential Oil
To grow your beard faster. Mix a few drops in the palm of your hand and mix with a few drops of warm water. Then apply everything on the areas to be stimulated. Remember to perform a sort of circular massage on the surface of the skin for 3 to 4 minutes just to make the solution penetrate well. Use 3 to 4 times a week.
3. Castor oil
It is a priori the oil that has the most success in growing beards faster. Very rich in vitamin E, well known for its antioxidant and vasodilating properties, castor oil deeply nourishes the beard, making it shiny, and softer and therefore promotes hair growth.
4. Onion juice
Yes, there is quite a bit of advice on the internet in grandmother remedy mode. If you are desperate it costs nothing to try. On your beard with a cotton pad, apply the onion juice to the selected areas.
5. Daily maintenance
To grow a beard, it must first be in good health. That is to say that your hair and your skin are healthy. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following. I invite you to cleanse your face and hair well twice a day, use a facial scrub several times a week, beard oil every day. All while brushing your beard several times a day. You will see that the more your beard is maintained and hydrated, the more it will tend to grow faster.
6. Beard growth accelerators
There are more and more on the market. These are generally capsules to be taken every day in cure mode. These are condensed vitamins and plant ingredients that in principle accelerate hair growth: keratin, vitamins, zinc, MSM, horsetail, etc.
7. Beard growth accelerator spray
After the capsules, here is the spray to spray on the beard. They contain molecules that act on the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.
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