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Rehab Center: How to Find the Right Drug Treatment Facility

By Cristiana , in Health , at July 1, 2020 Tags: , ,

Over thirty million Americans use illicit substances. Sometimes they misuse alcohol by drinking it to excess. They can also use drugs illegally or improperly or both alcohol and drugs in illicit and harmful ways.

What’s even more disconcerting is the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports 45% of people who abuse substances also have a co-occurring mental health disorder. The dual diagnosis means all rehabilitation programs for a person suffering from a co-occurring disorder needs to integrate a mental health treatment plan with a substance abuse rehabilitation program. If you’re blaming yourself or your loved one for being an addict, it’s important to understand addiction isn’t a choice one makes.

Instead, most addicts feel powerless when trying to overcome their addictions. That’s why finding viable options for rehab is so significant for their successful recovery. Read on to learn about how to find the right rehab facility that best fits your needs.

Options for Rehab

People suffering from dependence and the ongoing nature of the addiction want to find the best treatment for their addiction. On the other hand, if there is a co-occurring mental illness with substance abuse addiction, your treatment options for rehab need to address both. You also may need to find which facility works best if you are dealing with substance abuse without a co-occurring disorder.

Also, your personal finances or circumstances have a direct impact on the options for rehab treatment facilities. You’ll want to ask questions about their living environment, how the treatment is paid for and determine employment issues that may affect your decision. There are steps you need to take when selecting the rehabilitation program. You want to choose one that’s reputable, licensed, and accredited.

Your initial research in finding and reviewing various options available should include:

#1 Adequately Address the Addiction

You want to make sure the addiction treatment you need can be adequately addressed by the substance abuse rehab program you select. There are rehab programs committed to helping you heal and offer you the tools you need to live your life free of substance abuse. These rehab programs including an online suboxone clinic range from basic treatment facilities to a luxury drug rehab center.

You may want to know if your recovery treatment plan includes programs in behavioral therapy, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), family therapy, group therapy, holistic and conventional treatment options.

#2 Will You Be a Part of Your Own Recovery?

Various treatment modalities offer different treatment plans. You’ll want to know if you share in the decision-making process for your treatment goals and strategies. Many times you want to understand how your brain is processing and responding to triggers that set off your substance abuse addiction.

If you’re able to be a part of your treatment plan, you’ll be able to learn more about the mental, physical, and psychological components that set you up for setbacks or relapse. It by understanding your rehabilitation treatment plan and decision-making process that helps you accomplish the changes you seek to make in yourself.

#3 Learn New Coping Mechanisms

One of the hardest things to do as an addict is to learn new and healthy coping mechanisms that help minimize or eliminate substance abuse. You have to learn more about your addiction and various problems that are integrated into your disorder to fight its power over you effectively. By learning new and healthy coping mechanisms, you set yourself up for succeeding in your quest for sober living.

Other coping mechanisms you may want to see if the rehab center offers are ancillary but beneficial services. Acupuncture treatments, massages, and meditations are all healthy stress relievers to better your chances of beating your addictions.

#4 Relationship Healing and Strengthening

No one can live a life isolated from those they love and those that love them. One of the core strategies in any recovery treatment center is to help the person suffering from addiction learn how to reach out and strengthen their relationship with family and friends. You must find a place that offers compassionate treatment with knowledgeable staff that helps you find a healthy family and friend balance in your life.

You want to win your recovery treatment mission, and the best chance you have at that is finding a rehabilitation treatment center that is committed to helping you strategize and cope every step of the way.

#5 Support Systems

Your life picks up again once you leave the rehab center, so you must have an adequate and steadfast support system in place when you leave. Even though you’re clean of all substances when you leave your rehab facility, you’re still involved in the fight of your life in staying clean. Recovery is a lengthy process that needs support both while you’re in a rehab center, and once you go home.

Continuing with your therapist on an outpatient basis helps you establish a strong and steady real-world support system. That means you’ve found a way to integrate your ongoing treatment needs with your everyday life.

The First Step Before and After Rehab is the Hardest

Once you sift through the various options for rehab you’re ready to find the one that most resonates with you. By finding the right facility for your needs you’re come up with a strategic battle plan to get better and live life sober. Most rehab facilities have no locked doors and you can always leave if you get there and don’t like the way it feels.

But what do you gain if you choose to leave and not give your selected rehabilitation center a chance? You already live behind the locked doors and windows of addiction. Whether you chose a luxury drug and alcohol treatment center or one that offers just the basics rehab plans it’s worth staying and discovering yourself once again.

Living a life of addiction puts you behind a mask that allows you to never show the real you. Once you discover yourself again and your mask comes off you’re able to move forward in a healthy, free, and happy life. In the end, that’s what you’ve been fighting to get to and what life is all about!

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