Portland 9th night Continues marching & Peaceful protests.
Portland, and. – Demonstrations continued across Portland until the ninth night. People were protesting against the death of George Floyd, a Minneapolis man who died in police custody after kneeling on an officer’s neck for nine minutes, and after other police brutalities and racial injustices. Portland joined the protests in many other cities across the country.
As in previous nights, thousands of people had gathered at Revolution Hall and marched to Portland. Another group gathered at Terry Shrunk Plaza against police brutality across the nation.
Related: Mayor Wheeler urges Portland police to use tear gas only when lives are at stake
On Saturday, the group in Revolution Hall marched to Earnings Park instead of the city, as it was the night before. The group remained peaceful and began to break up by about 9 p.m.
At the waterway, at about 9:30 a.m., Portland police tweeted that hundreds of people had gathered in front of the Justice Center.
It was a familiar scene. In recent evenings, silent fighting has turned into illegal gatherings and clashes with police. At 10:50 a.m. Saturday, police declared the group, which had gathered through the Justice Center, an illegal assembly, and asked them to leave the area to the southwest.
Police said the men were throwing objects at the fence and trying to use clump cutters to break through the fence.
In an effort to be more transparent about their actions, the Portland Police Bureau let some media out behind the fence at the Justice Center. Hundreds of people protested on the other side of the bureau.
Despite warnings to leave, people kept water bottles, paint inflatables and other items on the fence. Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck.40 minutes after the assembly was declared illegal.
The Multana County Sheriff’s Office said a deputy was injured when someone threw commercial-grade fireworks at the Justice Center’s footsteps.
At around 12:30 a.m. Sunday, police said they were arresting those who refused to leave the area. Morgan Romero was on the scene and said he saw groups of people leaving the area or at least dispersing in the city as police kept texting about leaving the illegal assembly.
By 1 a.m., police said, several arrests had been made and most of the mob had left Portland.
A similar situation arose on Friday night when thousands of people marched from Revolution Hall to a peaceful protest in Waterfront Park. There was an additional gathering at the Justice Center and clashes with police. Eventually, nerve gas was sent to disperse the group. It is not clear whether the tear gas was deployed only by the Multana County Sheriff’s Office, or by the Portland Police Bureau, but KGW has reached out for clarification.
On Saturday, Mayor Ted Wheeler announced that he had instructed Portland police to use only CS gas or tear gas if lives were at stake and there was no other way to disperse the crowd. Is. However, in an e-mailed statement, it did not say who would decide on the matter or what other measures would be taken before the deployment of tear gas. KGW has reached out for clarification.
Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck. The clashes erupted long after law enforcement arrived after thousands of people went home after hours of peaceful protests.
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The group again gathered at Revolution Hall on Saturday and marched to Irving Park, where several thousand had gathered. Another group of protesters gathered near Pioneer Court House Square and marched north.
By about 9:30 a.m., several hundred people had gathered in front of the Justice Center. The building has been the scene of violent protests in Portland since protests began more than a week ago.
Portland police say most of the groups marching in recent days have been peaceful and non-violent.
Throughout the week, when small groups resorted to violence or insults, they continued to use PPB, CS gas, and other tactics as a form of mob control.
On Saturday, Mayor Wheeler announced that the PPB should restrict the use of CS gas only when it is a matter of safety and not use CS gas to disperse crowds
At least 17 people were arrested during protests in Portland on Friday night. Late last night, police called a large gathering at the Justice Center “civil unrest and illegal assembly.”
The statement came after police said people in the crowd started throwing things at officers standing guard. A PPB spokesman said the officers were injured, but the extent of their injuries could not be immediately ascertained.
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