Bollywood Actor Sushant Singh Rajput commits suicide, hanged at his Bandra residence [Details]
Sushant Singh Rajput suicide news: The actor’s death occurred just one week after his former manager Disha Salian committed suicide by jumping from the 14th floor of his Mumbai apartment last Monday.
Mumbai: Renowned Bollywood actor and television star Sushant Singh Rajput allegedly committed suicide on Sunday. According to the preliminary investigation, he was found hanging at his Bandra residence.
His death came as a shock to many as it is the fourth death in the last two months after the death of a celebrity in the Indian film industry when Irfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor were diagnosed with cancer and Wajid Khan and Sajid Wajid. The virus became contagious.
“I can’t trust it at all … it’s astonishing … a wonderful on-screen character and an old buddy … it’s upsetting #RestInPeace my companion #Sushant Singh Rajput.
“We are stunned and disheartened by the disastrous destruction of a youthful Bollywood entertainer, a spirit brimming with a guarantee and conceivable outcomes # Sushant Singh Rajput. We offer our condolences to his family, loved ones, and all those who did his work Applauded. Gone too early, “the Youth Congress said via web-based networking media stage Twitter.
Sushant died just a week after former manager Disha Salian committed suicide by jumping from the 14th floor of his Mumbai apartment last Monday.
“This is devastating news. My deepest condolences to Desha’s family and friends. May your soul rest in peace,” Sushant said again.
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