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By Adam Clark , in Beauty , at February 4, 2021 Tags: ,

Pigmented spots are a cosmetic defect that occurs due to a violation of the production and distribution of melanin.

The reasons may be:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • pregnancy or menopause;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • taking certain medications that affect the synthesis of phenylalanine;
  • environmental factor;
  • heredity.


The ultraviolet light of the sun deserves special attention, since hyperpigmentation mainly affects the exposed areas of the body: hands, face, neck. And due to age-related changes, the skin acquires an increased sensitivity to UV radiation. Therefore, the likelihood of pigmentation in persons over 55 is very high.

For any disease our first recommendation will always be the home remedies and natural treatments. Because natural home remedies do have no side effects or very fewer side effects. Just like we recommended how to shrink hemorrhoid skin tags naturally at home we want to recommend some remedies for pigmentation as well.

Reddish, light chestnut, brown and other spots on open areas of the body give a person a number of inconveniences. In the clinic “ImageLab” certified cosmetologists with experience carry out pigment removal with the Er: YAG Prisma 580 laser. This German-made Erbium device has all the necessary quality certificates. Due to the fact that no heating occurs during its exposure to the skin, the fractional laser is called “cold”, and the whole procedure is painless and low-traumatic.


Laser pigment removal is used for:

  • Melasma and chloasma. Dark spots with a smooth surface and jagged edges.
  • Lentigo. Symmetrical dark brown convex areas. Such spots are dense and pea-sized. As a rule, they develop against the background of age-related changes.
  • Freckles. Mostly fair-skinned and red-haired people tend to them. The spots are small and have a brownish-beige tint. The main localization is the bridge of the nose or upper back.

Operating principle

Removal of pigment spots with a laser is based on the passage of the beam to the depth of the skin layers at which it is possible to destroy the melanin cells that contribute to excessive staining of a particular area. The place of exposure to the device begins to turn red, peels off and disappears. Laser beams pass pointwise and do not damage neighboring tissues, and therefore do not lighten their natural color.

Features of the procedure

To do the removal of age spots with a laser, you better contact the Image Lab clinic, which is located in Nizhny Novgorod. Our experienced specialist will be able to carry out an initial examination and clearly determine the number of procedures required for a particular patient.

On average, a full course consists of 6 sessions at intervals of 1 month. The cost of the procedure depends on the total area of ​​the treated area.


Laser elimination of hyperpigmentation allows, in addition to color correction of the skin, to achieve its smoothness, turgor, smoothing of wrinkles. Regardless of the type, shape and color, all stains disappear without a trace.


Laser rejuvenation of the face, hands and body is one of the most modern, effective and safe anti-aging procedures and methods for restoring the skin.

She successfully practices at the Image Lab clinic.

A gentle way to rejuvenate

The key advantage of the technique is minimally invasiveness. During the procedure, the Er: YAG fractional erbium laser produces a subtle point effect on the body tissues.

The active beam of this apparatus is dissected into beams, the thickness of which is microscopic. Thus, minor point injuries remain on the surface of the dermis, and the total area of ​​burns does not exceed 20-25% of the entire treated skin.

Fractional rejuvenation with the Er: Yag Prisma 580 laser is called “cold” by cosmetologists, because during its radiation it has a wavelength at which the release of heat when exposed to tissue is minimal. This is an important feature that enables the specialist to ensure that the patient is painless.


Fractional laser rejuvenation allows you to get rid of this kind of cosmetic and age-related defects:

  • folds of the nasolabial region;
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes;
  • enlarged pores;
  • pronounced wrinkles on the forehead;
  • sagging skin around the chin, neck and décolleté;
  • dry and flaky skin;
  • scars after acne and after injuries;
  • “Purse string” wrinkles.

Erbium laser, thanks to its gentle effect, helps to improve the external aesthetics of even the most sensitive areas of the skin of the hands, face and body.

The essence of the technique

Erbium laser rejuvenation consists in selective evaporation of dermis layers. As a result of this effect, the processes of production of a new “youth protein” – collagen, begin in the treated area. It actively integrates into the reticular layers of the skin and helps to retain moisture.

Thus, it is possible to achieve a noticeable smoothing of wrinkles, an increase in epidermis turgor, softening of tissues affected by ptosis. Scar tissue and stretch marks, as a result of exposure to them with a fractional laser, acquire a shade of the surrounding skin and become almost invisible. Externally, the skin already on the 14th day after the procedure pleases with freshness and smoothness.

In addition to activating collagen synthesis, rejuvenation of the face and body with the help of an erbium laser leads to an improvement in lymph outflow and microcirculation in the deep layers of the dermis.


Fractional laser rejuvenation of the body and face skin does not imply long-term rehabilitation. Due to its low invasiveness in comparison with its traditional method (“spot”), the radiation of the device does not damage healthy areas of the epidermis. Point impact sites heal rather quickly. This technique of rejuvenation rarely causes complications, side effects and infections.

Rejuvenation of hands with a laser in the Image Lab clinic is carried out using combined equipment that allows you to combine pilling and exposure to radiation. Thus, with a minimal risk of complications, it is possible to obtain better results.



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