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Why is Goa among Indians a renowned tourist spot?

By Adam Clark , in Lifestyle , at January 30, 2021 Tags: ,

If you’ve ever been to this city, you shouldn’t question why Goa is popular among Indian tourists. It is not only because of beaches but also because of its beautiful weather, nightlife, pleasant seafood, fascinating water sports, etc., one of the best and lovely tourist destinations in India. Even ten thousand words to describe the beautiful city of Goa if we started from the beginning. There is no shortage of reasons to visit this marvelous Indian destination. Check this list below to find out some of the best reasons to book your trip to Goa Tour.

Goa Visit Reasons

  1. Overwhelming Beaches

Because of its pristine beaches, Goa is one of the favorite destinations among Indian tourists. The unbelievable coastline of more than 100 km is blessed with hundreds of impressive beaches in Goa with stunning views and serenity, offering sunshine. Every beach has its own specialty, elegance, and tranquility of which tourists appreciate the most.

Popular Goa beaches: Baga, Candolim, Calangute, Morjim, Arambol, Anjuna, and many more.

  1. Thrilling Water Sports

Goa is an outstanding venue for water sports and fun enthusiasts. It provides enough possibilities for explorers to enjoy in different ways. It’s not that Indian tourists are the only ones who try those things, but international tourists also like this water fun in Goa. Sports of various water sports are offered on Beaches such as Calangute, Candolim, Anjuna, Sinqurim, and Vagator Baga. You can also try diving on some beaches.

Water sports in Goa: Jet skiing, Flyboarding, Kayaking, Windsurfing, Banana, Speedboating, Parasailing, etc. Water sports in Goa.

  1. Scrumptious Seafood

Goa has thousands of seafood that cook delicious food. You have to try the best marine food restaurants in Goe, where you can taste Kodi Nustey Sheet, Crabs, Prawn curry, Pomfret, and many other delicious Goan cuisines. If you love seafood, you must do so.

Best seafood restaurants at Goa: Betalbatian Martins Corner, Panjim Mothers Kitchen, Souza Lobo in Panjim, Calangute, etc. Martines Corner.

  1. Entertaining Carnival Festival

The Goa carnival is world-renowned, which is why flight ticket reservations for Goa are carried out at the highest possible standard in February. Thousands of Indian and international tourists flood into Goa to enjoy the Festival of Carnival every February. The festival is devoted to the Portuguese period, where participants wear traditional dresses and even spectacular costumes. For every tourist and local, the 4 days of February in Goa are very special if they all have pleasure in the carnival, dining, dancing and having a lot of fun.

Where is Carnival: It begins from Panaji Street, Mapusa Street, Margao Street and runs along the city’s most beautiful streets.

  1. Lavishness in Cruises

Tourism’s significance in Goa is also a product of its special cruising experience. This special and beautiful experience at Goa is unique to any water sport or adventure. This lovely town offers breathtaking sea and river cruises, which will make your holidays in Goa memorable.

Cruises in Goa are Cruise Dinner, Casino Cruise, Backwater Cruise, Catarman Cruise, and many more.

  1. Nightclubs

If you still think about why Goa is an incredible holiday destination, then the main reason is clubs. Goa comprises hundreds of clubs that allow you to dance, drink, eat and party all night long to spend the night in this fantastic city. It shows that Goa offers Indian visitors nightlife.

Best clubs in Goa: Bar & Club in Tito, Antares, Village Pub in Soro, Silent Noise, etc. Nightclub in SinQ…

  1. Architectural Wonders – Churches & Old Goa

You shouldn’t miss Old Goa and the famous churches if you want to enjoy the true beauty of Goa. These holy places cause you to experience the utmost peace, structural perfection, historical legacy, and culture. These Goa churches exhibit awe-inspiring Portuguese architecture and elegance, which should not be missed at any cost.

The most renowned churches of Goa: Bom Jesus, St. Catherine’s Chapel, St. Francis’ Chapel, St. Catherine’s Church, and so on.

  1. Stunning Nightlife

Goa is a popular Indian tourist place because of its brilliant, never-ending nightlife. This town offers fantastic nightlife, starting with nightclubs, bars, beach shacks, and more with stuffed songs, recent tracks, a great environment, dizzy new lights, delicious food, and fancies. Not only friends, but it is also a favorite location for families.

Curlies Beach Shack, Café Mambos, Club Cubana, Café Mambos, Hilltop, Palms & Sands, etc. are available at night clubs in Goa.

  1. Fantastic Christmas Eve

The best time to visit Goa is when the entire city is busy celebrating November and the New Year in December and January. Christmas Eve is commemorable for the whole life because of the enticing weather, Christmas carols, scented candles, lovely churches, and the exchange of lots of presents. Nobody in this unusual city should skip Christmas in Old Goa on holidays.

Christmas activities to do: to visit all renowned temples, watch the beach fireworks and parties.

  1. Budget-friendly Shopping

Goa offers a range of markets that draw visitors and foreigners from both India and India. Goa has the best choice for shopping girls who buy joys, beachwear, handcrafted art, showcase bits, boho-dresses, herbs & spics, handbags, and many more items, from the famous flea market in Bazar tonight to the market on Saturday.

Well-known shopping markets in Goa: Flea market at Anjuna, Arpora night market, Mapusa fish market, Anjuna coco roots, etc.


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