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What Types Of Exam Questions Can Be Asked In Your Finals

Examinations are a useful and common evaluation tool to gauge where the students stand. Students know they must take these examinations seriously and do what they can to make sure they ace their papers. If they feel that they can focus on the preparations better with all the assignments out of the way, they hire assistance from an assignment writer.

While studying and revising their course, it is helpful to the students to know what kinds of exam questions will be asked to prepare accordingly. Mentioned below are some of the most common types of questions asked in the exams:


Students prefer to have MCQs because the answer is given and they don’t have to write anything. MCQs are multiple-choice questions where all the options are given; you just have to choose the right answer.

It takes skills and practices for students to understand how to attempt these questions since, quite often, a short time is given to answer these questions.

True/false questions

These types of questions make for an exciting and friendly way of assessing the student’s knowledge. The statement is either true or false and the student has to identify that.

Sometimes, true and false questions are easy if they have a basic understanding and knowledge of the topics. They can sometimes be tricky and difficult to solve. However, students have a 50-50 chance of getting the answer right even if they are not sure.

Essay-type questions

There are various types of questions that are asked in essay-type questions. Often, students are assessed on how carefully they read the questions and whether they have been able to understand the requirements of the question. The examiner may start by asking a basic question to access the basic concepts of the student.

Further on, the examiner may assess the student’s learning ability by asking essay-type questions, for example, compare and contrast, open-ended questions, closed-ended questions, and so on.

Practical assessments

Students have been doing practical work during their courses. The practical assessment shows their ability to use different apparatus correctly, apply concepts, and develop the desired result.

Sometimes the school holds alternate practical exams. In this exam, students do not have to perform the experiments practically. This exam assesses their knowledge of the use of laboratory apparatus in the questions given on paper.

Viva voce

After a practical exam, the students must face the teacher and verbally answer questions related to the practical exam. They may be asked to identify equipment or explain the theory related to the practical or explain how they came to their practical result.

Oral questions

Some language courses require the student to give an oral exam as well as written. Oral examinations consist of one-on-one exams conducted between the student and the examiner. These exams are held to assess the communication and comprehension skills of the student.

The exams conducted in school give a clear assessment of how much the student has understood the new concepts taught over the year. Based on these papers’ results, the teacher decides whether or not the student is fit to graduate to the next level.

Therefore, you must be smart in your studies and try to prepare while keeping in mind the sort of questions you may be asked.



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