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3 Tips for Becoming a Successful Artist

By Cristiana , in Education , at June 29, 2021

Art makes the world a whole lot brighter. Without it, everything would be so dull. There will never be a shortage of demand for good art. If you are interested in contributing to this wide discipline, consider the following advice.

1. Study the Masters

Although college is certainly an option, you don’t have to spend tens of thousands of dollars at a university to learn about your prospective creative outlet. Many artists are self-taught.

Here is a shortlist of artists you should study:

  • Claude Monet
  • Salvador Dali
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Lady Pink
  • Michaelangelo
  • Thutmose
  • Yayoi Kusama

These creators comprise just a fraction of styles you can see from around the globe. The internet is a vast resource where you can glean the history and inspiration for the previously mentioned authorities. You can also check with the local library to help you get started.

2. Practice What You Studied

Now that you know what the experts have done, you can put it into practice. However, don’t limit yourself to only Rennaissance paintings, for example. Dabble in metalwork, drawing, spray painting, sculpting and more.

One way is to paint along with Bob Ross and his tutorials that are available for free on YouTube. You will be able to create an entire landscape in less than half an hour. With the right amount of determination, luck and skill, your work may eventually be featured in gallery exhibitions Minneapolis MN.

3. Network With Professionals

If you love the creative aspect of making art, you might not necessarily enjoy this part. However, if you intend to craft your pieces as more than a hobby, you have to handle the business side as well. Go to different events such as gallery openings and introduce yourself to the specialists and their handlers.

Just managing the trade can yield a lot of money. Someone bought a banana duct-taped to a wall recently for $120,000. Similarly, an invisible statue fetched $18,000 at an auction. If you put yourself out there, you just might meet the right person at the right time.

There is no reason you can’t become an artist, even if it is just for fun. Who knows, your hobby might even make you rich someday! Visit the rest of the site for more articles!


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