Learn the Invisalign Pros and Cons Before You Get Them
Are you looking for a straightening solution for your teeth?
Traditional braces aren’t exactly the most discreet way to get the smile you want. That’s why many people consider Invisalign.
One of the obvious benefits is the clear look of the aligners. You can smile and talk without most people noticing you’re wearing them.
But there are other things to consider, including some potential drawbacks. Exploring the Invisalign pros and cons can help you evaluate this option to see if you want to do the treatment.
Keep reading to learn the advantages and disadvantages.
Table of Contents
Removable Design
The 101 on Invisalign starts with how the clear aligners work. They’re made to fit your teeth exactly, so they disappear onto your teeth. They’re also removable.
Because you can take out your aligners at any time, Invisalign is more convenient and offers more freedom.
You can brush and floss your teeth without working around metal wires and brackets. That can make it easier to do a good job.
Unlike regular braces, which have lots of food restrictions, Invisalign allows you to eat anything. Just take out your aligners and eat like you normally would.
Less Pain
You’ll feel some pressure and potential discomfort with Invisalign, but the trays generally feel more comfortable than traditional braces.
This treatment method eliminates the metal in your mouth, which can rub and poke your sensitive mouth tissue.
Fewer Appointments
When you go to your orthodontist, you’ll likely get several sets of aligners. You’ll swap them out usually every 2 weeks.
With traditional braces, you’ll have to go infrequently for adjustments.
With Invisalign, you don’t need to go in as often. You’ll likely go every 4 to 6 weeks, which can make the treatment more convenient.
Long-Term Commitment
One drawback of Invisalign is the commitment you need to make. The treatment is often shorter than traditional braces, but it still usually takes between 9 and 15 months.
While you’re receiving treatment, you need to commit to wearing the retainers most of the time. The recommendation is 20 to 22 hours every day.
If you think you’ll be tempted to remove them more or wear them less than the recommended amount, they might not be as effective for you.
Need for Removal
Being able to remove the aligners is a benefit. But it can also get old.
You’ll need to remove them every time you eat. When you remove them, you need to keep them protected in the case. You’ll also want to rinse them before you put them back in your mouth.
The only thing you can drink with your aligners in is water. So you’ll also need to take them out every time you drink anything else.
Regular braces get cleaned when you brush your teeth. Your clear aligners need to be cleaned separately.
You’ll want to rinse them every time you take them out.
The aligners need to be soaked regularly. You can also clean them with a toothbrush.
Avoid using toothpaste on them, which can cause tiny scratches. You also want to avoid soaking them in mouthwash, which can discolor the aligners.
You’ll need to pay attention to the cleaning do’s and don’ts to avoid discoloration or scratching. That damage takes away the invisible element, so they aligners are more noticeable on your teeth.
Explore the Invisalign Pros and Cons
Before you decide on the best teeth straightening method, it’s important to have all of the information. Looking at Invisalign’s pros and cons helps you decide if the treatment will work with your lifestyle.
Explore our wellness section for more information about your health and well-being.
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