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How to reduce body hair growth in females and males naturally?

By Cristiana , in Fashion Health , at January 28, 2021

Excessive or unwanted hair that grows on a woman’s body and face is that the result of a condition called hirsutism. All women have facial and hair, but the hair is sometimes very fine and lightweight in color.

The main difference between typical hair on a woman’s body and face (often called “peach fuzz”) and hair caused by hirsutism is that the texture. Excessive or unwanted hair that grows on a woman’s face, arms, back, or chest is typically coarse and dark. The expansion pattern of hirsutism in women is related to civilization. Women with this condition have characteristics that are commonly related to male hormones.

Why do women grow excessive or unwanted hair?

Women develop excessive body or facial hair thanks to higher-than-normal levels of androgens, including testosterone. All females produce androgens, but the amount typically remains low. Certain medical conditions can cause a girl to provide too many androgens. This will cause male-pattern hair growth and other male characteristics, like a deep voice. It is moreover best to use turmeric for unwanted hair.

hair growth

Causes and Risk Factors of Hirsutism

Common causes of hirsutism include:

  • A drug called diazole (Danocrine) will help with endometriosis when the tissue that lines the uterus grows outside the womb.
  • Cushing’s syndrome, which you get once you have high levels of the strain hormone cortisol for long periods of your time.
  • Drugs that have hormones, like anabolic steroids
  • Drugs that spur hair growth, like monoxide (Rogaine)
  • Many times, the condition is linked to high levels of male hormones (called androgens). It’s normal for women’s bodies to form these, and low levels don’t cause excess hair growth. But when these amounts are too high, they’ll cause hirsutism and other things, like acne, a deep voice, and little breasts.
  • Some drugs can change the hormone levels in your system, so you grow unwanted hair on your face or body. this may happen with:
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes small cysts, or fluid-filled sacs, to create on your ovaries.
  • Tumors in your adrenal glands (which make hormones like cortisol) or your ovaries.
  • Risk factors for hirsutism
  • A few things can make hirsutism more likely, including:
  • Women from the Mediterranean, geographic area, or South Asian backgrounds are more likely to own extra hair.
  • Family history. Some conditions that run-in families and affect your hormones can cause hirsutism.
  • Extra weight causes your body to form more male hormones, which might make hirsutism worse.

Treatments for Excess Hair Growth:

Most treatments for excess hair growth involve short- or long-term hair removal methods as you can use turmeric for unwanted hair:-

  • Shaving. This is often a secure and simple method, but you’ll have stubble if you do not shave regularly. Also, the hair may tend to seem thicker because it regrows.
  • Waxing or plucking. You’ll use tweezers to pluck individual hairs or try waxing to get rid of larger patches. These are safe and cheap methods, but they’ll be painful and there can be some skin irritation.
  • Depilatories. Chemical creams can remove hair from the body, but they will irritate the skin. Always test any new depilatory on your wrist at some point before you propose to use it to form sure you do not have an adverse reaction.
  • Electrolysis. This method burns away hair permanently employing a small electrical current delivered into the follicle through a needle. Electrolysis tends to be expensive and takes plenty of your time because only a limited amount is often worn out one session.
  • Laser hair removal. A light beam is employed to wreck the follicle, causing the hair to fall out. Like electrolysis, this can be a time-consuming and expensive procedure. Unlike electrolysis, the hair might find itself growing back.
  • Electrolysis and laser hair removal should only be performed by licensed professionals, like a cosmetologist, aesthetician, or electrologist.
  • Rather than remove it, some women value more highly bleaching excess hair with cream or paste. Bleaching ingredients can cause skin irritation and, looking at how thick the hair is, may not offer you results that are as satisfying as actually getting eliminate the hair. Some people also use turmeric for unwanted hair.


Medications That Treat Excess Hair Growth:

Some medications may help control excess hair growth:

  • Anti-androgen medications like Lactone (spironolactone) and Pros car (finasteride) block androgenic hormones’ ability to affect the body but may take between three and 6 months to figure. They will cause birth defects if you become pregnant, so you need to practice effective contraception while taking them.
  • Birth control pills can reduce androgen production.
  • Vinita (eflornithine) could be a prescription cream that may be wont to slow hair growth, although it doesn’t get eliminate existing hair. It will be used on the skin of your face and chin.

Most treatments for excess hair growth involve short- or long-term hair removal methods. You should visit an expert Skin specialist, if you encounter serious problem.


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