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Low-Budget Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

By Cristiana , in Business , at June 15, 2020 Tags: ,

There’s always one major challenge for small businesses. How can you market your business and keep the costs low?

When you know that you need to market your business, but you’re on a shoestring budget, it may seem like your options are very limited.

Fortunately, that’s not the case. You can market your business with a small budget. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.
Read on to learn the top creative ways to market your small business.

1. Analyze Your Business.

If you want to do marketing on a budget, you need to get down to the basics. These steps can be tedious, but they will supercharge your marketing efforts. That will help you get more bang for your buck.

What are the important things to know about your business? Your mission and vision for the company. You also want to know what you want marketing to do for your business.

The most important piece isn’t about your business. It’s about your customers. Your business relies on the connection you have with your customers. A stronger connection means that you’ll have loyal customers.

2. Your Brand and Your Logo.

Did you do a double-take because you think that your brand is your logo? That’s something that many people confuse.

Your brand is what people think about your business. It’s usually one word or feeling that comes to mind. An IT company would be reliable and secure. Apple’s brand is about being cool and pushing the envelope.

Once you understand your brand, you can design your logo.

If you’re marketing your business on a budget, is it possible to do so without spending too much money? It is. You can use an online logo maker to create your logo that looks sharp.

Remember that your logo is a visualization of your brand. You want to make sure that the colors and font you use are congruent with your brand. For example, if you have a professional and serious brand, you don’t want to use a playful color like yellow or a font that looks like a child’s handwriting.

3. Design a Great Website

You might be surprised to learn that about half of all businesses don’t have a website. It makes you wonder how they’re still around.

When you design your site, you can use the design to offer a large, polished company that is professional and employable.
People give you a first impression of your business in seconds, based on the design of your website..

4. Grow a Strong Network

One of the most cost-effective ways to market your business is to get out from behind the computer and talk to people. There are a lot of networking groups out there on Meetup and through various chambers of commerce.

You need to create a strategy around to make the network incredibly efficient. Start by going to the various chamber and networking events a couple of times each. Then, pick out the top couple of groups that seemed to be the most active and fun.

These are the groups that will turn into business for you. You don’t want to join groups where no one talks to each other or they don’t welcome new members.

You’ll have to be patient with this strategy. You’ll find that the more often you show up, people will get to know you over time. They’ll trust you enough to send business your way.

You also want to take a helpful approach. That’s a quick way to show that you’re trustworthy because most people attend these events looking out for themselves rather than others.

5. Start a Blog

Do you have a way with the written word? A blog may be just the thing you can leverage to market your business.

A blog is a series of articles on your site that can help your potential customers solve particular challenges or learn something.

The great thing about your blog is that it gives people a reason to visit your website. It’s also the foundation of other marketing tactics like social media and search engine optimization.

When you start a blog as part of your marketing efforts, you have to think about your customers. What are their biggest challenges as it relates to your product or service? Start by thinking with a beginner’s mind.

A residential plumber may have articles about how to unclog a drain or how to protect pipes from freezing in winter. These articles empower people to solve the problem themselves and they start to appreciate your expertise.

You can pair that with an article about how to find a good residential plumber to target people who are ready to hire a plumber.

6. Use Social Media the Right Way

Social media seems like a shiny object that you have to chase. People without a marketing plan will chase tactics and say things like, “You have to be on Tik-Tok!” or “You have to be on Snapchat!”

It seems like whenever there’s a new platform, small business owners rush to promote themselves there. Remember Periscope? Neither do many people. Yet, loads of people jumped on that bandwagon, chasing the next big thing.

You should take a much different approach to social media. Go where your customers are. It seems simple, doesn’t it?

The second part of social media is to make sure that social media channels are aligned with your goals. For business coaches, you may want to establish yourself as an industry expert. Twitter is a great way to get your name out there.

You also have to be prepared to master your chosen social media channel. Twitter is much more conversational, so you’ll need to spend time commenting on others’ tweets.

Pinterest, on the other hand, is great if you are starting a health or travel business with clients from all over. You can use your graphic design skills to create beautiful pins that lead right to your website.

7. Organic Search

Organic search is a great way to market your business for a few reasons. The first is that it’s free. The second reason is that people use search engines to find information, namely Google. Finally, those searches tend to lead to phone calls for your business.

How can you start an organic search campaign? There are a lot of factors that go into search results, and it can be overwhelming.

You want to start with your website. You want to make sure that it’s designed for users, loads quickly, and can be found by search engines.

You also want to check your online listings. If you’re a local business, make sure you go to Google MyBusiness and Bing Places and fill them out.

Now, you can focus on using your blog to drive traffic to your site. You want to match your blog content with search terms that people use to research and buy products or services related to your business.

8. Follow-Up with Customers

How many times have you dropped the ball when it comes to following up with clients and prospects? That inaction is costing you a lot of money. The fact is that only 2% of customers are ready to buy in a first meeting or visit to your website.

Most sales require at least 5 touches. What that means for you is that you need to have a way to follow-up with potential customers.

One way is to have a CRM system that allows you to enter sales leads and schedule regular follow-up calls with them. Another way is to have an automated email campaign that will contact prospects when they sign up to your email list.

9. Have Integrity

This is the most inexpensive way to market your small business. All you have to do is do what you say you’re going to do when you say you’re going to do it.

That’s it.

When you have integrity in your business and go above and beyond to help people without the expectation of something in return, you’re building a strong business. People are more likely to know you, trust you, and refer business to you.

It’s an incredibly fast way to grow your business and build an impeccable reputation.

Step by step instructions to Market Your Business On A Low Budget.

step by step marketing strategy

There are many ways that you can market your small business that doesn’t cost that much money. There is a cost somewhere, and that’s time.

Here are some ways to market your small business cheaply or for free. However, they will cost you a lot of time and effort. You have to weigh what your time is really worth and determine the best ways to market your business.

Whatever you decide, you have to market your business in a way that’s consistent. You can’t just start and stop when you get busy.

Are you ready for more great marketing tips? Check out this site often for more great content.
