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Can you use your last paycheck to file taxes? What to know.

By Cristiana , in Business , at August 23, 2021

As tax day approaches, the sense of urgency to file a tax return on time increases exponentially. Although the filing and payment date has been extended by 90 days, you still want your refund as soon as possible.
As you go through your documents, you will notice that something like the W-2 form is missing. What can you do to file a tax return?
Can you use your last pay stub to file taxes?
Read on to find out

Your Last Pay Stub vs. W-2 Form

What is the difference between the last pay stub and W-2 form? Your paycheck is used for each pay period. The information available includes how much you earned during the pay period, and how much was withheld on other benefits such as taxes, retirement savings, and health insurance.
A pay stub also contains year-round information, so the total amount of all income and breaks for that year.
A W-2 form is sent by your employer showing your income and taxes withheld throughout the year. It also includes your employer’s tax identification number, which is as per your employer’s information.
Any further discrepancies turn into a red flag for further investigation by the IRS. This may delay the return or audit process

Can You Use Your Last Pay Stub to File Taxes?

Yes, you can use your last pay stub to file taxes. However, there are warning pairs. You will be responsible for information about your last pay stub, so you need to make sure it is accurate.
Also, keep in mind that your taxpayer cannot touch your return without a W-2 form because it is an official form. When they return to you, they say it’s okay and right.
Taxpayers do not want to risk their license and livelihood because you did not submit the correct form. You’re better off taxing yourself.
You should try your best to get W-2 form for your business. Document and record these efforts.

How to File Taxes with Your Last Pay Stub

If you want to file tax without W-2 Form, or you do not have the right salary, you need to fill out Form 4852. You will also need your last pay stub. If you can’t find it, create one using Check Stub Maker.
On the form, you need to indicate why you need to use and sign it. Be sure to complete the form. Describe your efforts to get a W-2 and how you will find out about the last pay stub.

File Your Taxes Right

Taxes are stressful. They can be more stressful when you’re missing documentation, like your W-2 form. Can you use your last pay stub to file taxes?
Yes, you can. As long as you show that your last pay stub is accurate and you made attempts to get your pay stub, you can. Fill out Form 4852 and you’ll be set.

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