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How to get influencers interested: Instagram collaboration guide

The leadership of Instagram among the platforms for promoting business is not a prospect for the coming years, but an established fact, which is useless to argue with. For marketers and sales people, it is a platform with over a billion daily active users, including influencers with audiences that exceed the population of the countries.

Why be “short” with bloggers

The most important quality of influential bloggers for a marketer is credibility. In fact, this means that followers not only listen to their opinion, but trust and even follow them. Moreover, it works almost the same for both beauty bloggers and marketers, B2B specialists or posies. Every blogger should want to get more followers for  there business page. We suggest you some vip sites for getting all Instagram service provider company. is one of the best site to provide Instagram services. You can Buy Instagram Followers  Canada  at a very cheap rate and grow your business.

Therefore, if you cooperate with an opinion leader, then literally immediately and without attracting a significant number of tools, you get loyalty and interest from his audience.

Plus, you don’t have to be limited to one blogger. Your brand reputation will be higher the more reputable bloggers use your solutions and services.

And on this optimistic note, a natural question arises: How to contact the audience of influencers, informing them about the updates of your products and services? for constant contact with influencers

Do you understand that every influencer with a live audience is important for your business, but you do not have enough time to constantly connect with influencers? This is where the good old email marketing and advanced automation solution from comes to the rescue. Why are the tools of this service so good?

Carry out a full cycle of communication with bloggers;

Control and update the address base;

Receive accurate statistics of mailings and build high-quality campaign analytics on its basis.

The entire tool pack is intuitive and easy to use, includes a bunch of additional options and features, and mass mailing with its help significantly saves your team’s time and resources. However, before you start designing your campaign, it is worth looking for bloggers whose audience matches or overlaps with your target audience.

Finding targeted influencers

Finding opinion leaders with a lively, loyal audience and thematic interests close to your business is already 50% of the campaign’s success. By the way, the size of this audience is in some sense even less important than its loyalty and degree of involvement. With the right positioning of your offer, a blogger can become a trigger for a successful start of sales.

But how do you look for targeted leaders? Here are some effective ways:

Pay attention to your competitors’ collaborations. Those of them who have already tried promotion on Instagram often openly declare cooperation and feedback from reputable bloggers;

Ask your audience about their preferences in the niche of Instagram influencers;

Search Instagram by hashtags, select several bloggers by thematic match;

Work with ready-made contact databases of influencers.

After compiling a list of contacts, you should find their mailing addresses. Some bloggers openly provide their mailboxes for collaboration. In other cases, you can resort to searching on FB or YouTube, which are often linked by influencers in the BIO. However, you should be as careful as possible with the validity of addresses, since sending messages to invalid mailboxes can significantly affect the sender’s reputation.

Address verification is the key to a successful email campaign

A preliminary mail check is, relatively speaking, a ringing of mailboxes, which allows you to determine whether a given address is active. Why is mailing to inactive or unverified addresses unprofitable for the sender? It’s all about the bounce rate: the more you get, the more you become like a spammer “in the eyes” of email services. Accordingly, your further mailings are more likely to fall under spam filters.

Okay, but how do you check your email address and what to do when you have, for example, 100+ influencer inboxes? To solve this problem, Email Verifier from is the best choice. With it, you can check the full prospectus, or single verification of addresses in a few seconds.

Powerful and accurate tool quickly dials inboxes and returns validity data with a small email verification report for each contact. In addition, the check also applies to the syntactic validity of addresses: boxes with an incorrect format fall into the category of invalid ones.

To check with Synovia email verifier, you need to upload your prospectus to the contact database on the website and press the verification button. After that, your contact base will be prepared for mailing.

Automatic mailing of letters to bloggers

So you’ve prepared your prospectus and are ready to launch your email campaign. It remains to develop the correct structure of the mailing list, identify the main triggers and start personalizing letters. To accomplish these tasks, there is a simple and multifunctional trigger mailing tool , which you will find in the same tool pack.

It is equipped with a graphical campaign structure editor with the ability to create literally endless mailing cycles, a hot settings panel and a set of email templates with many variables that you can add manually. Yes, all this is neatly and not clumsily collected on one display, does not require pulling up additional tools and works very quickly.

If your mailing of letters is regular or includes re-sending conditions, in the editor you can manually configure all the necessary parameters. Here you can also designate triggers, prescribe deferral conditions and set the final goal of the mailing. Before sending, you can also exclude invalid addresses from the list of recipients with one click.

Regular communication with contacts: influencer marketing in action

Of course, your main goal is not a single player campaign, no matter how successful it may be. Products and services are constantly being optimized, updated and improved. The same can be said about the assortment of stores and even about hand-made products. Thus, any business is looking for a stable relationship for long-term cooperation.

Why are email marketing solutions from the best option in this case? This is a whole set of fast-working tools that automate a wide range of tasks for preparing and sending letters.

As soon as you have a reason to remind about yourself – trigger mailing will be the most effective way to do it. Moreover, you can literally maintain communication constantly, and thus always be in the top influencers of your niche, which will definitely lead to an increase in your brand’s reputation.

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