You’re busy – there’s no denying that. It doesn’t matter if you work 60 hours per week outside of the home, run a part-time job from your home, or are a stay-at-home parent. Your schedule is full and your to-do list is never-ending, but it doesn’t have to be. You might not be able to mark off everything every single day, but there are some ways to lighten your load.
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Use a Laundry Service
Laundry is a dreaded, backbreaking task that no one likes to take on. As soon as you get it done, it piles right back up. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about it if you let a laundry delivery and pickup service do it for you. They will literally pick up your dirty laundry, get it all washed and refreshed, and then drop it back off. All you have to worry about is putting it away.
Outsource Cleaning
It can be difficult to keep a home clean, especially when you have little ones or a schedule that keeps you away from home a good deal. Neither of these has to mean your home stays messy, though. You can outsource your daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning so your home stays healthy and fresh while you manage other important tasks.
Invest in a Slow Cooker
Cooking often takes a great deal of time, leaving many busy people reaching for processed items or hitting the drive-thru. Unfortunately, this can take a toll on your health and your wallet. A better option is to invest in a good slow cooker, throw your meal on in the morning, and dig in at dinner time. Slow cookers can save you a great deal of time while providing your family with healthier meals.
Automate Everything
The more you can automate, the more time you have for other tasks. While not an extensive list, you can automate bill payments, meal planning, and even your email. You can also get a Roomba to keep your floors clean. If you take some time to think it through, you’re likely to find many things you can automate in your life.
Embrace Online Shopping
Shopping online can save you a great deal of time and money. You simply put the items into your virtual cart, pay, and wait for arrival – or do a pickup. In either case, someone else does the physical shopping for you.
Even better, you can automate your shopping to save even more time. In the beginning, you might need to take some time to compare prices and decide where to get your items. Once you do, though, you can make an order that is sent to you regularly. On Amazon, it’s called Subscribe & Save. Other stores refer to it as something different, but it’s the same basic process.
If you’re looking for ways to free up some time, these are some of the best places to begin. However, they’re not the only time-savers. Once you put the ideas on this list into place, you’ll likely start noticing many other ways you can shave items off of your to-do list with minimal effort.
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