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3 Steps You Can Take To Become a Prepper Today

Not long ago, if someone called you a prepper, it would have been a derogatory term meant to humiliate you. That is no longer the case, however. As conditions on earth change and become more uncertain, preparing for the unknown has become the norm instead of a fringe possibility. No longer trusting the government to take care of you during or after a disaster, you may have decided to take matters into your own hands and become prepared. Here are three steps to help you become a prepper today.

1. Buy Extra Food

If you have a large pantry, it can be easy to fill it with items you use regularly. However, if you are concerned about gathering food that stores well for years instead of months, try honey, water, beans, rice, and salt. You can also store sugar, wheat, and dry pasta. Also, with the advantage of freeze-dried food, you can purchase buckets of meals that claim to last for 30 years.

2. Purchase Good Protection

Most preppers are concerned about protecting themselves and their family when times become uncertain. For many, that means purchasing a firearm from a local gun shop Killeen TX. There are also preppers that choose bows and arrows, knives, or hatchets. The decision about what mode of protection you will employ is very individual, so check them all out until you find the right one.

3. Pack the Go-Bag

Sometimes called a bug-out-bag, the go-bag is meant to be filled with everyday items that you can grab with a moment’s notice and flee. Most people add a change of clothing, including shoes, 2-3 days of food, water, and some cash. Many people add flashlights, a blanket, and a knife. If you plan to take off to a location without sanitary provisions, make sure to add toilet paper, hand wipes, and a garbage bag.

Becoming a prepper is an excellent way to prepare your family for the future. Use these three ideas to begin your prepping journey today.

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